Neume Counseling                                                                                      305 -832-1743


live your best you!

About Debbie

My Journey 

On three memorable occasions, life’s challenges brought me to the door of a counselor’s office. It would be wonderful to declare that talk therapy always works, but for me this wasn’t the case, at least not the first time. I suffered postpartum depression with the birth of my second child. The counselor? She asked me repeatedly how I felt. After the fourth session, I told her I felt terrible and never returned.

On another occasion, after two years of moderately helpful counseling, two friends recommended a new type of therapy to me. Inwardly, I scoffed. Outwardly, I politely made excuses. Finally, my friend said to me, “Look. I know you may not want to hear about this again, but would you just try it once? I’m telling you there is nothing else like it. If you don’t get something out of the first appointment, I won’t bug you about it ever again.” I rolled my eyes and wrote down the number.

How can one appointment change your life?

I came home from the first meeting and said to my husband, “I don’t know how she did it, but I got more out of that 90-minute introduction than I did out of the last 20 months of appointments.”

The last fifteen years of my life is a testament to that one session. I acquired two degrees, a Bachelor of Psychology and a Master of Christian Counseling.  While acquiring two degrees, my denomination recognized me as a Recorded Quaker Minister. Lastly, I became a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor.

Initially, I served my community as a Substance Abuse Counselor.  More recently, I opened Neume Counseling, a private counseling service. Now I help people discover and live their best version of themselves.

Who am I?

I am a mom, a wife, a grandma, a friend, a nature lover, and a spiritual person.  My past experiences include military service as a linguist and an analyst, home educating three boys, being a soccer mom and referee, owning a gluten free bakery, and serving as a missionary and pastor wife.  Additionally, I am a published author, small group leader, and speaker who loves to help people succeed in life.

How did I manage to squeeze all that activity into one life?  We lived in five states and in one foreign country.  Our last, and hopefully final, relocation landed me on the east coast of Florida. In each new situation, I learned to adapt and enjoy the journey.

Now that we’ve planted ourselves in the sunshine state, what do I enjoy? First and foremost, I love traveling through life with my husband of thirty-five years. In addition, I enjoy kayaking, beach days, exploring the great state of Florida, traveling, eating out, and spending time with family and friends. Our lives on this end feel somewhat like a dream to both my husband and me. What I learned along the way, I now share with others.

What About You?

I am a discoverer like you. I hope to share with you one of the greatest discoveries of my life. Do you want to live your best version of you? Start today. Just book one session and see what happens next.

My Passion
Helping you Live Your Best You!

Helping you live your best you truly is my passion.  I cannot live you.  You cannot live me.  Helping you prosper in your endeavors?  Now that is a service that I enjoy. 

What is success? 

Success varies from person to person.  In fact, I have watched many people climb to a level of professional or ministerial success, then lose it all. Competence did not seem to be an indicator of success.  

Why?  Many achieved successes through competence in one area of life, while inattention to other needs or fulfilling their needs in ways that discredited them tore down months, years, or decades of hard work.  

Politicians, ministers, and leaders in industry have something in common. 

Politicians, ministers, and leaders in industry are all human.  They all have to navigate relationships.  They all have needs, wants, and visions for the future.  All leaders possess basic human needs. 

The human quotient is the segment of education that our culture spends the least amount of time developing.  Other than natural disasters or unforeseen events, the human quotient causes the most amount of drama in our lives.  It involves things like divorce, addiction, abuse, depression, anxiety, burnout, and the ability to cope with trauma.  

How much does it cost?

How much time does a divorce rob from your schedule or from your mental focus?  What is the financial cost of a divorce?  How do you parse out relationships, friendships, or children?

How much does an addiction cost to maintain?  How many relationships does it drain?  What effects can or will it have on your career?

How much time, attention, and money have you already spent avoiding the thing you didn’t feel qualified or equipped to manage?  Like your emotions, your relationships, your family life, your health?

Living your best your start with knowing your unique design and living in the strengths of that design.  

Position yourself for success. Pay the price of time and attention today to live the benefits your best life from this day forward.  Book your appointment today. 


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